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Joy. | Week 72 Weight Loss

June 3, 2018

June 3, 2018

The Journey

Visit Scaled Nation Training for more information on the Working with Larger Bodies Seminar! 

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I'm Athena, "Bean," a dedicated advocate for training larger-bodied athletes. Since my first CrossFit story in 2018, I've become a CFL2, owner of Scaled Nation Training, and creator of "Working with Larger Bodies" seminar. I've also written "Lifting the Wait," with sequel "Waitless" coming soon.

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True Colors Part Deux | Drawing Those Parallels

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meet athena

Welcome to my digital den! Raw stories, real talk, and CrossFit banter—all about building consistency, healing, and an unshakable mindset for lasting transformation.

hey, friends!

Day 515. 209.5 pounds lost.

And so it begins. I enter the last week of quite possibly the most miserable job I’ve ever had. Five more days and I am choosing to walk away. It took much thought to come to this decision, and I’m not taking it lightly. There is obviously a bit of nervousness leaving “stability,” but then again, if you are somewhere you don’t belong, it doesn’t feel very “stable.”  

The Athena of two years ago would have stayed and made the best of it. I did that so many times in life, always saying, “it will get better”… or…. “he will change.” I could apply to this to a handful of sucky situations. People stay in conditions that cause misery all the time for a number of reasons.  I know I did.

Reason #1 – I settled. Sometimes knowing the life I had (even though it might have sucked) was better than the unknown. What if the alternative is worse?

Reason #2 – Fear. Fear of failing, fear of being judged, ridiculed, fear of now knowing what I would do or where I would go.  Fear of losing security and the comfort of familiarity.

Reason #3 – I got comfortable with misery. That’s right! Pain happened so much I damn near got used to just feeling shitty all the time.  I got to the point where I believed that it wasn’t going to get any better no matter what I did.

Reason #4 – Codependency. This could mean a lot of things. I have been co-dependent in previous relationships, and I was also co-dependent on money which forced me to stay in situations I didn’t like.

Reason #5 – No Hope. It’s hard to jump ship when you’ve mentally already given up.

Reason #6 – No way out. This is subjective because that’s just a feeling of being trapped and this boiled down to me not having the help, encouragement, and inner strength to do it. Although many times I did a great job of blaming that on other people.   

Whether it’s a love relationship, friendship, or a job – if it makes you unhappy it’s a dysfunctional partnership. The Athena two years ago probably would have counted all the reasons to stay, but I find myself counting all the reasons to leave and honestly I couldn’t be happier.

 I leave with nothing more than a simple vision of what’s possible with a few solid months of focus and heart. I’ve already seen rock bottom’s basement…. I have zero fear.    

I see so many people right now play the victim card all the time. Every single choice we make good or bad is our own.  Whether it’s the life you want or not – you are responsible for how things are right now. Not abuse you suffered as a kid, now how you were treated growing up, not your background, YOU! If you are overweight, eat right and move more. It’s not some obese gene or how you were raised or some other excuse you might be able to find. Trust me; I used them…. They won’t get you anywhere. If you’re trapped or stuck in a relationship, I will ask this: Does someone have you handcuffed in the basement? Then I call Bullshit.  Walk AWAY.

Nope – it’s not easy. I’ve walked away from plenty of things that made me miserable but looking back it was the best decision I ever made. I intend to make this week’s decision just another one to add to the list.

I choose…. Joy.




athena bean

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  1. Adrian says:

    haha! WOTCHA! Just going to dive are you. Balls! I want to be just like you.

  2. JoAnna says:

    So awesome!!!! There’s something incredible when we realize how powerful we are and leave that victim in the past. Definitely learning this myself.

  3. Rose says:

    dood…i cried my way through your featured video on CrossFit Journal, now i’m making my way through your podcast interview with Sevan…you are awesome & strong…thank you for sharing your life & your voice so others may gather strength from you. i suffered years of spousal abuse while staying silent in church…i’m SO not that woman anymore! rock on gorgeous!!

    • Bean says:

      *smile* thank you…. so much. I’m proud of you and I bet you feel POWERFUL. Likewise my friend, rock on. Much love… <3.

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this is me | Be Courageous, Be Myself.

True Colors Part Deux | Drawing Those Parallels

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meet athena

Welcome to my digital den! Raw stories, real talk, and CrossFit banter—all about building consistency, healing, and an unshakable mindset for lasting transformation.

hey, friends!

Since 2011, I've been on a mission to rewire my own self-limiting beliefs and patterns that were holding me back because I believe an unshakable mindset can be our #1 life hack.

In these parts I not only share my own journey but also lend a hand to others to create a life filled with genuine resilience, purpose, and grit. I'm a big fan of a good cup of joe, chalk, and teaching folks like you how to 'lift the wait'. Let’s get weird. 

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i'm athena Perez